The College of nursing yesterday held four briefing sessions on the Decree of cuts in health care.

alicante, January 2012- the Hall of the College of nursing of Alicante yesterday held four briefings with the objective of addressing the scope of the measures proposed in the Decree Law 1/2012, of the Consell, of urgent measures for the reduction of the deficit of the Generalitat Valenciana and collecting the proposals of the members to search for an alternative solution to this cuestiób.

they have taken place in the Auditorium of the school (c / Captain Dema, 16) 10, 12, 17 and 19 hours to facilitate assistance to them according to different working hours of the collegiate.

Since the Organization College of nursing has asked the Ministry of health the withdrawal of this Royal Decree and no load on health professionals the weight of economic cutbacks, since they have not been the cause of the current situation. A decree that will mean, in addition to a significant reduction in the purchasing power of the health professionals who work for the public sector, a restructuring of the working conditions and reduction of staff, which can negatively affect the quality of care and to endanger the safety of the users.

The collegiate organization of nursing in the Valencian Community has been launched through the web portal of the CECOVA Observatory nurse about health cuts through which are going to pick up the situations that generate budget cuts in jobs for nurses, at the time that will serve to collect those initiatives raised by the members to reduce spending in the health sector, such as an alternative to the cuts.