The College of nursing of Alicante held an institutional Act to close the program of commemorative activities of San Juan de Dios.

Spain, March of 2013.- El College of nursing of Alicante hosted last Friday, 15 March, an institutional event that closed the program of activities organized to commemorate the feast of San Juan de Dios, nursing pattern.

During the same gave a lecture entitled ” care of the heart: prevention strategies ”, in charge of Mª Dolores Gil Estevan, vowel V College nursing of Alicante.

They had also fitted in this Act the awards ceremony of the corresponding to the VIII prize of photography competitions, XIII exhibition painting and drawing contest XIII.

After that tributes were held retired colleagues in the year 2012, which marked 50 years of membership in the past year and the older age of the province of Alicante, Pascual Ruiz Galiano professional.