Combined hat and sunglasses use reduces by up to 95% the direct impact of ultraviolet in the view

-excessive sun exposure can cause eye injuries varied, so from the Ministry of health of the Canary, is recommended to avoid hours of increased incidence of UV radiation and always use approved sunglasses

-to avoid possible infections, and irritative conjunctivitis is preferable not to bathe in pools with lenses of contact and rely on glasses of swimming at these sites

Spain, 2011-August during the summer months increases the range of outdoor activities and leisure time is broader, that is why the vision as well as the skin is exposed to a higher incidence of solar. For this reason and to avoid injuries eye during the summer period, the Ministry of health of the Canary recommends always using sunglasses approved by EC and to the extent possible, do not expose directly under the Sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. time slot which records the highest ultraviolet radiation.

Excessive exposure to the Sun by UV rays can cause photophobia acute and over time, favour the emergence of more serious eye pathologies in the cornea and the retina, such as pinguéculas, pterygium (called ‘ pernal ’ and caused by chronic exposure to the Sun), cataracts or degeneration macular age.

According to Dr. Rodrigo Abreu, optional service of Hospital Universitario Ntra Ophthalmology specialist. Ms. de Candelaria (HUNSC), is necessary to take appropriate measures to maintain proper hygiene eye during the summer, and stay in the shade or avoid sunlight between 10 and 14 hours a day, making use of certified sunglasses and complemented with the use of appropriate clothing, then wear hats or caps and sunglasses, you can reduce by up to 95% the direct incidence of UV rays in our eyes ”.
The use of sunglasses will also protect the eyes of other annoyances of the summer such as dry eye, very common at this time due to the Sun, heat and Breeze, weather conditions with direct light, may worsen the quality of the vision.

When purchasing an article of this kind, must combine a comfortable vision adapted to the activity that develops your buyer with the maximum possible protection and this can be obtained only if the glasses are accredited by the European Community and have a quality sunscreen. In this sense, the color of the lens is not concerned with protection from ultraviolet rays because the absorption of these rays is given by the material of the glass used in glasses ”, explains Dr. Rodrigo Abreu, optional service of Hospital Universitario Ntra Ophthalmology specialist. Mrs. Candelaria.

Lenses of contact in swimming pools and beaches without

The use of contact lenses is very widespread among the population with a vision problem, but in the summer is not advisable to use when bathing beaches or swimming pools, since these articles are not designed for these aquatic activities.

The best option according to ophthalmologists is ignore them because this reduces the possibility of suffering from conjunctivitis sensitising or infectious, causing of annoyances such as red eyes, itching and tearing, and they could cause severe infections of the eyeball. In this sense, the specialists recommend use swimming goggles and clarify in the shower once is has left the swimming pool, with special attention to children.