Del Consell Valencià de Col.legis of pharmaceutical and Business associations pharmaceutical of the Comunitat Valenciana (Confar) has decided to convene extraordinary assemblies for Next Thursday, which will be decided what measures will be taken to the “unsustainable” situation faced the offices of pharmacies by the delays in payments of the Generalitat.

Representatives of this entity have met Tuesday with the Minister of health, Luis Rosado, in an encounter in which “not have proposed solutions to the situation of non-payment of the turnover of December” and has “been reiterated that this month is paid at the end of February”, as reported in a statement by Confar.

The Council of pharmacists considers “unacceptable” there is no liquidity, when still owed to the offices of pharmacy prescriptions dispensed from October 1. Therefore, has criticized that these establishments “are doomed to a situation of ruin”, since, as you have explained, owed them the months of October, November and December, that amount with their interests more than 387 million euros, and “do not have the same liquidity that in the month of October, that defaults are prolonging in time”.

Pharmacy offices, as it has secured “have exhausted already its limit of indebtedness in banking institutions and their suppliers.” In this regard, has pointed out that if one considers that pharmacies have dispensed prescriptions in the month of January and the middle of February, the total number supported by pharmacists amounted to almost 360 million euros “and recent statements by responsible for the Administration on further delays in the collection do not predict a rapid solution to the problem”.

The colleges of pharmacists have called extraordinary and urgent assemblies members for next Thursday to inform them of the very serious situation and discuss possible actions and alternatives to take to cope with the foreseeable collapse of the pharmaceutical provision.