of pharmaceutical care Congress will teach pharmacists to disseminate their research.

VII Congress of pharmaceutical care – Pharmaceutical Care

-workshop ‘ dissemination of results of research in AF ’ put on the table the shortcomings of the communications made by pharmacists and give participants databases to publish their results.

-bugs in writing, barriers with the language, little bibliography, or lack of knowledge of the protocols are some of the main fault.

– unlike doctors, pharmacists do not receive specific training, which is why we need base ”, said Jose Carlos Andres, pharmacist community and head of the workshop.

-the National Congress of pharmaceutical carethat organizes the Pharmaceutical Care Foundation, will take place on September 28 to October 1 in Vigo.

Vigo, 2011-July The presentation of the results of an investigation is an essential part if not all the work to fall on deaf ears. There are three ways to disseminate the projects: the scientific article, poster or oral communication, the latter usually in congresses, conferences or seminars. In pharmacy research are not as prolific as in the medical sector, but there is not much communication in the same culture. In fact, most research fails in its communication, either due to ignorance of the copyright or for errors in the forms of presentation.

With the intention of going to eradicating this stigma that exists in the dissemination of the research carried out in the field of pharmacy, the National Congress of pharmaceutical care, Pharmaceutical Care Foundation organized in Vigo between 28 September and 1 October 2011It will offer a workshop to teach how to correctly communicate their research to pharmacists. Is a very practical workshop, in which we are going to give the basis for developing a good communication and its transformation into a scientific article ”, said Jose Carlos Andres, pharmacist community and head of the workshop. Add to unlike doctors, pharmacists have no specific training on research, which is why we need base ”.

The workshop will be based mainly in the identification of gaps with which accounts the studies to be broadcast as the incorrect wording, the little literature or of the language barrier. These last two are often complementary, because that lack of knowledge of English prevents many see bibliography in that language, which is a major waste of information ”, says Carlos Andrés. Likewise, the participants will also see what the most appropriate tools for developing a good Startegy of disclosure, and how to apply them. There are things that seem as simple as creating a powerpoint, not everyone knows them; and that, for example, is fundamental to present an oral communication ”.

Another of the problems when it comes to disseminating research is the limited number of communications in congresses that turn into articles published in specialized magazines. In the absence of the necessary training for the publication of an article, many presentations get stuck in the poster or oral presentations of the Conference. According to a published study on the Pharmaceutical Care Spain magazine, in which participated the José Carlos, in fact, only 15 per cent of communications at congresses have just published in specialized media. The low proportion of communications in congresses of AF and community pharmacy which are then published can influence the consolidation of the community pharmacy research; increase that percentage will depend rather on the quality of the submitted work, a task which is in the hands of the scientific committees of congresses and, above all, of the researchers themselves ”, explains the pharmacist.