The Ministry of health calls for aid of up to 60,000 euros to projects of research.

are eligible for funding, whose application deadline ends Friday, professionals of the Andalusian health and research centres linked.

Andalusia, 2011-October The regional Ministry of health, through the Foundation public Andalusian progress and health – central entity for support and management of research in the public health system of Andalucía-, has summoned aid for the financing of research projects aimed at professionals of the Andalusian health and associated research centres.

Subsidies, which were convened last September, contribute to the development of r & d projects and the promotion of research in health and are structured in two ways. The first one establishes an amount of up to 60,000 euros for projects of a maximum duration of three years. For this assistance the principal investigator must not have another source of funding active or pending for the next year.

The second form of the call grants up to 20,000 euros to a maximum of one year research projects. In this case, the main research person can Yes count other aid active or pending for the financial year 2012.

For applications selection priority will be to research projects related to advanced therapies and those that address priority health problems such as Oncology, diabetes, diseases of neurodegenerative, rare diseases, cardiovascular disease and obesity, among others, as well as research projects in areas with impact on public health and other strategic lines r & d such as bioethics and dignified death.

Professionals who want to apply for any of the aid still have until next Friday, October 14. Applications have to be formalized via telematics through the website of the Foundation public Andalusian progress and health, by entering here.

impulse to health research

since 2005, the Foundation public Andalusian progress and health, has acted as a collaborating entity of the call for aid from the Ministry of health to research Biomeddic and health sciences that, with different forms, supports the development of research projects, purchase of scientific equipment and professional development, among others and stands in one of the priority strategic actions of boost to research in health in Andalusia.

Specifically, the year after health went 7.2 million euros to the financing of 155 research projects, 26 activities and training rooms and 31 support of intensification of the research activity of the units of clinical management of primary care, hospital care and health emergencies in various announcements.

This call will be complemented by the regional Ministry of health has planned publish within a few months, after the amendment of the bases which will involve the adaptation of this instrument to the new strategic framework of health research that will start its journey in 2012.

The Andalusian Government in the field of r & d in health policies have been geared to the promotion of a culture based on the research to provide benefits to the citizen. So, today is being carried out various research lines both system health care centres and research centres promoted by the Ministry of health.