the development and introduction of new techniques of exploration in the endoscopy allows a better tolerance by patients

Bilbao, June 2, 2012- the traditional endoscopic exploration often causes discomfort and causes anxiety or rejection, which carries the risk of not successfully complete its realization. For this reason, one of the main themes of the week of the digestive diseases (2012 thirst), organized by the Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS) and that holds its National Congress LXX, is the approach of the existing more innovative techniques that improve the conditions and tolerance of these procedures increasing the comfort of patients.

Among the possibilities therapeutic and diagnostic endoscopy in newest to be addressed during this 2012 thirst, is the endomicroscopía. A tool that already exist equipment, until now practically used experimentally, that allows to achieve live a microscopic view of the digestive tract so that the realization of biopsies is not necessary for obtaining a histological diagnosis.

Today, specifically, during the practical course of progress in endoscopy, Ecoendoscopia and ultrasound digestive, gastroenterologists and endoscopistas, have the opportunity to attend a session live and live, that through case studies, can be observed characteristics and applicability of techniques that are not yet available in many Spanish hospitals.

An improvement on tolerance by patients

Within this workshop of advances in endoscopy, Ecoendoscopia and digestive ultrasound takes place the round table improving tolerance of digestive endoscopy ” in which the experts explain the more advanced techniques. Among them is the use of ultrafine endoscopes, i.e., of a diameter much less than employees usually allowing, for example, its introduction through the nostrils, getting improve tolerance and avoid the need for sedation. Doctor Leopoldo López Rosés, Chief of apparatus digestive system of the Lugo Augusti Lucus Hospital service points in the respect that through this approach eliminates the risks of sedation, the cost is cheaper and favors is that the patient can immediately return to their activities ”.

SED 2012 Curso Práctico de izq. a dcha.: Dr.Josep Just Timoneda y Dr.Ángel Calderón García, coodirectores del curso, Dr- Miguel Muñoz-Navas, Presidente electo de la SEPD; y Dr. Leopoldo López-Rosés, también codirector del curso.

Other techniques, is the Insufflation with CO2, a gas that is increasingly used in this type of procedures. According to doctor López red, its main benefit is that is re-absorbed rapidly, with which patients presented in comparison with Air insufflation, significantly less discomfort after exploration, most notably those that require a long implementation period and which therefore need to breathe gas for longer ”.

The colonoscopes of variable stiffness is another progress dealing with the experts at this round table. They consist of instruments in which thanks to be able to modify the rigidity of the insertion tube, avoiding loops that are commonly formed when moving by the colon, and consequently progress is made easier, limiting the pain in the patient and improve the quality of colonoscopy.

The round table will end with a presentation on the endoscopic capsule applied to the study of the colon. Until recently, endoscopic capsules were dedicated to exploring non-invasive of the small intestine, also having some specific models for the visualization of the esophagus. We now also have capsules that displayed the large intestine which is to avoid the inconvenience of usual colonoscopy. Is effectiveness and efficiency are still in phase of assessment and screening of cancer of colon in asymptomatic patients with low risk of developing this disease is probably its main indication ” points the doctor López red.

The specialists will be concluded with a lecture on the endoscopic treatment of obesity, which is an emerging field within the spectrum of therapeutic possibilities of digestive endoscopy. Possibly in the next few years is to expand indications of non-medical treatment of obesity, including those not morbid personal instances that bariatric surgery would not be indicated ”, detailing Dr. López red.

Therapeutic endoscopy potential reduces surgical interventions

In what concerning the therapeutic endoscopy, which is currently expanding, is where more progress have been produced, with increasingly numerous applications. This fact, together with the improvement in the diagnostic procedures not invasive generate progressively the displacement of endoscopic activity from his diagnostic facet to Therapeutics. Says doctor Leopoldo López Rosés, the ability to perform treatments by endoscopic means has managed that situations and problems that up years ago were difficult to control and forced to perform surgeries, sometimes risk or with uncertain results, currently can be solved through interventions minimally invasive ”.

Thus for example, among the possibilities that today gives us endoscopy, we find the control of bleeding, removal of polyps and not advanced malignant tumors, the treatment of stenosis of a different nature, the drainage of cysts and collections or the extraction of bile duct stones, among others.

Digestive disease week and EDPS

This Saturday, day 2, Tuesday, 5th of June the Spanish society of digestive pathology (EDPS) held in the Palace of Congresos Euskalduna Jauregia Bilbao LXXI Congress of the EDPS in the framework of the digestive diseases week VII (SED 2012). THIRST is the event par excellence of the specialty (with more than 1,000 national and international experts) and a forum of reference for specialists by its relevant role in accredited training and the presentation of results of research of digestive.

The EDPS is a scientific and professional organization non-profit, which has 78 years of existence and currently brings together more than 2,100 associated physicians. It is aimed at the promotion and dissemination of research and knowledge in the field of digestive diseases, in its basic, epidemiological, diagnóstico-terapéuticos, preventive aspects and health promotion, as well as the promotion of its practical application, in order to be a reference for specialists in digestiverelated specialties and general population and an ally of the Administration and social agents.

Between the end of the EDPS stresses the promote the formation of multidisciplinary and multicentre groups to implement basic, epidemiological research and clinics in the field of digestive diseases, and maintaining scientific relations and links with societies similar or related, as well as with academic institutions, and any other institution interested in the development of the digestive pathology.