El Dr. Vicente Riambau new Member of the International Andreas Gruenzig Society.

Spain, 2011-October the last October 3 “International Andreas Gruenzig Society” (IAGS) named Vicente Riambau member of their society to the vascular surgeon. The prestigious organization was inaugurated in 1985 after the death of the Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, the cardiologist and German radiologist who made the first balloon angioplasty successful in the world, in order to improve the blood flow of coronary artery ocluidas. The IAGS is an educational partnership of doctors and scientists interested in in the field of cardiovascular health sciences. Members of the society cooperate in the advancement of knowledge and education through research, publication, study and teaching in the field of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Vicente Riambau is first Spanish doctor admitted to such a society.

Source: endovascular