MADRID (Reuters) – hundreds of hectares of valuable ecological had been destroyed by the flames Sunday in Galicia, where other fires, the first of a spring which provides high-risk fire drought had been controlled.

Fire which began Saturday afternoon in the natural park of As Fragas do Eume, considered a natural for being one of the last Atlantic forests of Europe, paradise had burned the Sunday 750 hectares, according to the Consejería de Medio Rural y Marino of the Xunta.

“It was and hopefully will remain the best representation of this type of forest (Atlantic sea level)”. “The damage it suffers are absolutely irreparable because we don’t have another similar thing,” told RNE Carlos vouchers, director of the Center for University extension and environmental disclosure of Galicia (CEIDA).

The microclimate in the area has allowed the presence of species not seen in other areas of Galicia, characterized by its humid and rainy weather for much of the year.

In the work of fire suppression in the La Coruña municipality of A Capela worked more than 100 personnel, including members of the emergency military unit, and air media.