la Foundation scientific of the Spanish Association against cancer announces new aid for cancer research 2010.

-More than 8,000,000 euros will be allocated both to projects underway for new programmes of research.

– is the maximum amount awarded by an entity civil, private and non-profit cancer research

– includes aid of 1,200,000 euros for a single program

-are always by public competition and external evaluation

Madrid, November 2009- the Spanish Association against cancer (aecc), through its scientific foundation, publishes the call for aid to research, 2010. This call aims to promote and foster research excellence and close to the patient, with the double aim of creating a stable and quality scientific structure in Spain.

This year includes different aid of up to 1,200,000 euros for a single program, which is the largest amount awarded research by an entity civil, private and non-profit.

Currently there are over 40 open projects that are being funded by the scientific foundation. Among them the 2 first groups Coordinados stable awarded this year for the next 5 years:

-new avenues for the treatment and control of colon cancer, coordinated by Dr. Felix Bonilla and Oncology medical of the iron gate University Hospital serviceMajadahonda. Participating groups of Prof. Antonio García of blacksmiths, of the Institute Municipal Research (IMIM), Mar Hospital and Dr. Ignacio Casal, Center for biological research (CSIC) in Madrid.

-characterization and clinical utility of a new human gene implicated in cancer, coordinated by Professor Xosé Ramón Garcia Bustelo and the Centre for research on cancer (CIC) of Salamanca. This project coordinates the groups Dr. José Alberto Orfao also of Salamanca and the Group of Prof. Balbino Alarcon, biology Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC, Madrid Centre.

Calls addressed to finance groups investigación:

-call support for stable groups of research: with this innovative program, the scientific foundation of the aecc financed 1,200,000 euros, a horizon of 5 years, lines of research developed by stable and competitive groups. These groups will be formed by the conjunction of researchers or groups of different areas (Basic, clinical, epidemiological) a translational research program to develop in a joint and coordinated manner. This initiative aims to promote the continuity of the funded research, providing greater flexibility and stability to the researchers groups with the dual objective of accelerating the transfer of results into clinical practice for the benefit of patients and their families and increase the critical mass research in Oncology in Spain.

-call research project on childhood cancer: to fund a research project on childhood cancer worth 150,000 euros in three years.

Calls addressed to finance individual aid to investigador:

-Call for aid to researchers: financed programmes to expand the training research scientists and health in the various areas of Oncology, endowed with 120,000 euros for 3 years, with possibility of extension 2 years, to carry out a research work in a center of the territory national. professionals

-call for proposals of aid return of researchers: Aid for doctors and post that have developed his post doctoral research work abroad for a period of at least 4 years and residents wishing to return to Spain. Contracts will have a duration of four years at the center of selected return. Each grant will have an allocation of € 200,000 for four years, at a rate of 50,000 euros per year, with an increase of 3% per year and 5,000€ of expenses of establishing.

-call program of advanced training in Oncology: finances training programmes for professionals and researchers in the field of Oncology with 5 years of experience, who wish to extend a specific aspect of their training for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 in a National Center or overseas.

-laboratory practice program call: aimed at awakening the research vocation among university students of second cycle degree or master’s degree from the scope of the health sciencesgiving them the opportunity to perform laboratory practices during the summer months or during the academic year as a follow-up of his university studies.

The aecc, 56 years of experience in the fight against cancer

The aecc is an ONL (Organization non lucrative), private and declared a public utility which has 56 years working in the fight against cancer. The aecc integrates within it to patients, family members, voluntary and professional people working together to prevent, raise awareness, accompany people and fund cancer research projects that will allow a better diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Structured in 52 provincial boards and present in more than 2,000 Spanish cities, the work of the aecc develops through its more than 14,000 volunteers and 731 employees under a philosophy of collaboration with the health authorities, scientific institutions and other entities which pursue an analogous to the association end. Everything always under the principles of independence, professionalism, transparency and proximity.

Scientific foundation of the aecc funding excellence in cancer research

The aecc remains one of its priority objectives of quality cancer research funding, for this purpose was born the scientific foundation on October 25, 1971.

The Foundation brings together the social demand for research on cancer, funding by public competition programmes of scientific and social research. These programmes are aimed at making progress in science to improve the future of the patients and their families, in order to consolidate a scientific structure in Spain and contribute to the economic development of Spain, approaching the entire society achievement.