Specialists of the Department of health of the Bank recommend planning the return to work and maintain a positive attitude to avoid syndrome post-holiday.

this syndrome appears to return to work and usually lasts a few days.

– according to various studies, 56% of the population claims to have suffered ever

– Note physical and psychic symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, irritability and sadness

– symptoms not are stretched more than 10 days, if you talk so wasn’t another problem consulting with doctor

Alzira, 2011-September with the end of holidays, the Health Department of the Bank specialists advise plan the return to work and maintain a positive attitude as measures to avoid the post-holiday syndrome. This syndrome, which has suffered a 56% of the population any time, according to various studies, usually lasts a few days and occurs to the join again the work routine.

Ana Fortea, a clinical psychologist in the Department, says that this syndrome can be avoided, following a few simple instructions, and while maintaining a positive attitude, that help you to cope better with these first days ”. Psychologist points out that it is appropriate to reserve the last moments of the holidays to try to get used to the routine of daily life, especially to the schedules. Is important ”, says the psychologist, recover schedules and a routine, not too longer NAPs and return to habitual residence ”. See also positive to sleep more during the first working hours, to regulate the biological clock.

According to Ana Fortea, is a transient syndrome, which can last for about ten days following which fit perfectly as the routine ”. Fatigue, tiredness, lack of appetite, drowsiness or insomnia are some of the physical symptoms that manifest, although it also tends to be accompanied by symptoms psychics such as lack of interest, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, sadness, the ideas of ruin and indifference. In case of extended longer, would talk about a major depressive episode or other reaction ”, says the psychologist.

Also, according to the specialist, to better overcome the lap is advisable not to give too much importance to holidays or the difference in life we carry for the rest of the year ”. Return to physical activities that have been practiced during days off, such as walking or cycling, follow a balanced diet and not giving up leisure activities that has enjoyed in the summer are keys that will help to have a better return. In this regard, the expert says that it is advisable to find a hobby that practice during free time, that helps to disconnect and to make more bearable the trance ”.

Although this syndrome can affect all kinds of people, it is more common to be present in young people. According to recent studies, 35% of workers between 25 and 40 years are affected by these symptoms, mainly because are experiencing a sharp break from the pace of life and are incorporated into the work without having had any day’s acclimatisation to life ”, says the psychologist, also affects mainly those who conceived the holiday period as the culmination of his personal well-being or tend to show discomfort with his work and working life ”.