The IMO Group specialists present at a forum International Oncology new developments of advanced radiotherapy with high Technology

Moscow Headquarters of the I International Oncology Forum

Spain, may of 2012-A group specialist from the IMO group, headed by its President, Dr. José Samblás, have expressed various Conference on progress and new indications of radiotherapy of high technology in the 1st International Forum Oncology held the past 4-6 may in Moscow.According to the DRA. Maia Dzhugashvili, natural of Georgia, oncologist and radiation of the IMO group in Murcia the unit and Head of radiotherapy of the Scientific Committee of the Eurasian Federation Oncology, “ is necessary to enhance this type of scientific collaborations because the technology even closer radiotherapeutic advanced many of these countries where its development is incipient and trained many specialists in the management of new equipment last generation which will be beneficial to patients with Cancer ”.

under the title advances in radiotherapy with high Technology, one scientific meeting involving thethe IMO Group specialists which was followed by more than three hundred specialists in cancer from different countries Eurasians. Dr. José Samblás explained the evolution experienced by radiation therapy and Radio surgery in recent years and referred to new treatments with advanced technology such as the Robotic radiotherapy guided Imaging in Real time (CyberKnife).

for his part, specialists such as Dr. Kita Sallabanda, neurosurgeon of the IMO group, referred to the achievements made with radio surgery in the treatment of multiple brain metastases, theDr. Hugo Marsiglia, Medical Director of the IMO group to technological advances in Radiation therapy, indications and the most important benefits as with whose use are provided to patients with cancer, and Finally, the Dr. Felipe Calvo, Director Scientific of the International Master ofthe IMO Group Foundation, addressed the latest news on the implementation of Intraoperatoria radiotherapy in cancer of straight.

by other side, DRA. Maia Dzhugashvili, spoke about the application of the TomoTherapy in different oncological pathologies, their therapeutic protocols, indications and advantages. Also, provided a scientific review updated medical publications referring to this cutting edge technology.“ Thanks to the application of the TomoTherapy – ended the DRA. Dzhugashvili – MaiaWe are getting to treat cancer patients, both children as adults, more effectively,in fewer sessions and avoiding or minimizing the toxicity of the treatment in healthy bodies close to the tumor. Even with the use of the hipofraccionamiento can treat tumorslocated in areas very committed, close to the spinal cord by example, or prevent heart and lung toxicity in breast tumors ”.