the Association of dentists of Madrid organises with the week of the Oral Hygiene universities.

1st dental health week.

-From 9 to 13 April 2012

-fruit of the framework of collaboration between the COEM and universities in Madrid

-the objective is to promote oral hygiene within the own campus

Madrid, April 2012.- the College of dentists and stomatologists in the 1st region has signed an agreement framework of collaboration with the Madrid universities offering the degree in dentistry (Universidad Complutense, University Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Universidad CEU San Pablo and Universidad Europea de Madrid), to collaborate in all those initiatives that contribute to improving the situation of Madrid dentistry, favouring research and training, address important issues such as the specialtiesthe future of the profession, participation of universities in collegiate activities and promoting healthy habits in order to improve the Madrid population oral health.

Fruto de este acuerdo marco surge la 1ª Semana de la Salud Bucodental. Week of the Oral Hygiene ”, which has with the approval and collaboration of the Ministry of health of the community of Madrid, which it carried out from 9 to 13 April, and which aims to foster habits of oral hygiene within the own campuses, teaching students and teachers from the rest of powers the importance of good oral health emphasizing the relevance of a correct dental brushed and regular visits to the dentist to get healthier mouths. They will be carried out training activities, talks of brushing techniques, contests, … in short, different actions directed to students, teachers and other personnel working in these centres, all with the purpose of improving the oral health of the University community.

This initiative has the support of Colgate and Oral-B.