La Madrileña society of urgencies and emergencies (SEMES Madrid), reports to all citizens.

Madrid, January 2012.- La Madrileña society of urgencies and emergencies (SEMES Madrid) wants to do the following with regard to the increase in the number of patients in hospital emergency Department of Madrid services in the latest dates.

As it is usual at this time of year, there is a significant increase of patients who come, by its own initiative or derivative of other medical devices, hospital emergency services.

The Madrid issued a weekly report of the incidence of influenza, from the network of Sentinel physicians ”, which does not imply a substantial change in the evolution of other years, and that is accessible to practitioners.

As usual every year, likewise, the increase in the incidence of influenza represents a revival of pathologies prevalent chronic lung, heart, etc…. students with greater morbidity and require medical care in many hospital cases, with income in greater number and proportion than at other times of the year.

We want to transmit the population again a message of calm and confidence in the capacity of the services of emergency and its professionals at all levels of care, as well as in the rest of our community health services, which have given and they will provide a proportionate and professional response to these events already expected, with the institutional support of the Ministry of health responsible for.

Dr. Juan Jorge González Armengol
SEMES Madrid President