Maintenance of the human assisted reproduction in the basic common healthcare portfolio of the national health system is an essential piece to keep the rate of 3.5 per cent of births annual turned by these techniques.

Association for the study of the biology of the reproduction (ASEBIR) advocates for these methods to mitigate the decline in pregnancies and births collected in the latest survey of hospital morbidity.

Spain, January 2013.- Association for the study of the biology of the reproduction (ASEBIR) wants to highlight the important role that may play assisted human reproduction: in vitro fertilization and other techniques related to increase the number of pregnancies in our country. if the State promote assisted reproduction and fertilization in vitro, the rate of registered pregnancies would mitigate the reduction of pregnancies and deliveries in 2011 ”, points Manual Ardoy, President of ASEBIR.

In this sense, worth noting that, according to figures from the last survey of hospital morbidity, recently published, in 2011 occurred nearly 4.7 million higher, 1.1% less than in 2010 (4.720.545), which means the third consecutive number of high annual decline. This figure comes motivated, once again, by the decrease in episodes of pregnancy and childbirth, which shrank 3.5% over the previous year.

In this context, relevance special more than 86,000 cycles – 55,000 of In Vitro Fertilization and 31,000 of Artificial insemination – which, according to the Spanish society of fertility (SEF) are performed every year in our country. Of them, about 30% are given in public health. Also, assisted reproduction treatments represent approximately 3.5% of births in Spain.

In addition, it should be recalled that 15% of the Spanish couples of reproductive age suffer from infertility problems, which means that almost one million couples need reproductive assistance to be able to conceive.

On this basis, and taking into account that the Ministry of health is considering the common basic of the system national portfolio of health, Association for the study of the biology of the reproduction (ASEBIR), advocates maintain and improve, as far as possible, the current situation legislative and quality of care that allows public centers Spanish offer a maximum quality and complete service.

Believe that the State should maintain this provision in basic common portfolio, especially in an era in which the patients to public health resource is being increasingly necessary. Assisted human reproduction is a health need in a country with figures that throws the last survey of morbidity hospital. ”, exposes Ardoy.