The majority of children with grandparents with alzheimer declare afraid that the grandfather does not recognise them.

21 September day world against Alzheimer’s.

-a study by the Institute for research in primary care, IDIAP Jordi Gol, analyzes how affects children of Alzheimer’s disease suffered by his grandparents

-in Spain, about 360,000 people suffering from dementia, and these 400,000 have Alzheimer’s disease

-children indicate that it has changed the relationship with the grandfather with the disease, but they do not live in a negative way and almost 100% ensures that the grandfather / to gets happy when you see them

-50% of children say that it gives them shame that friends know the disease of the grandfather

– among the children studied, in any case, there is a negative impact of the disease from grandfather / on their school performance

Spain, 2011-September the study “how live grandchildren grandparents Alzheimer’s disease?.” Qualitative study in primary care “it aims to know as the grandfather of disease has affected grandson, what concerns are children to the disease, if they have observed changes in the dedication of parents towards them since the grandfather has the disease and to identify if the parents have observed changes in behavior in children.” More than 30 grandchildren have interviewed over a period of 6 months.

Currently, the elderly represent an essential social resource in a society where, typically, two members of the family must work. According to the Imserso report of year 2008 on “Older persons in Spain”, more than 72% of Spanish grandparents caring for or have taken care of their grandchildren, especially when these are school-age. That is why, as pointed out by Maria Jesus Megiddo, primary e nurse principal investigator of the project “that we wanted to focus on children from 6 to 13 years in Catalonia that have a normal relationship with a sick with Alzheimer’s grandfather”.

Results of the study

– on the understanding of the disease, 100 per cent of children said that have explained you the disease and that they understand what it is. In all cases, parents were those who explained to children the disease. But some parents did not want their children to participate in the study because they will not talk to the grandfather / to have the disease.

-50% of children say that it gives them shame that friends know the disease of the grandfather.

-86,37 per cent of children say they have noticed changes in the dedication of their parents toward them, following the illness of the grandfather, but almost all a 73.73% also say that this less dedication of parents has not affected them and that understand given the disease of the grandfather.

-A 72.73% of the children of the disease of Alzheimer’s talk with their parents, but few speak it outside the family. Only a 13: 53% speak it with friends.

-100% of the children declare usually help to the grandfather in basic activities of daily living (eating, walking, getting up), in activities that are difficult for grandparents (change the channel of TV, stimulation of memory work) and leisure activities and distractions (talk)(keep them company, tell them stories, etc…).

-all children say they notice changes in the relationship with the grandfather and a 99,78% declared that they perceive as the grandfather / to gets happy when ve.

-18,18% of children have been difficulties when it comes to sleep, and has agreed that they are children who live under the same roof as the grandfather sick.

-A 62.5% of the nochildren show fear that Grandpa/a does not know, but only 37.5% show concern and fear for the disease

– Finally, the majority of children say that you see nothing positive in disease of the grandfather. But in their explanations will foreshadow certain aspects which might (learn how to take care, have patience with him, estimation despite the shortcomings…).

what is the IDIAP?

The Foundation Jordi Gol i Gurina was created in 1996 by the Catalan Health Institute, with the aim of promoting and managing innovation, training, teaching and research clinical, epidemiological and health services in the field of primary health care.

In 2006, he became the Institute for research in primary care Jordi Gol (IDIAP Jordi Gol), through the signing of an economic agreement with the Department of health and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

From 2010 it is attached to the UAB as a University Institute of research in primary care.

The IDIAP works to make available to researchers the means and services that enable them to improve the development of their research; accredits and guarantees the projects and the process of research.

In addition, it promotes cooperation with other national and international research organizations and participates in initiatives public or private establishment of innovative platforms for management or research in the field of primary care.

From August 2011 has the quality certification ISO 9001: 2008 for its activities of support and advice to research projects