The number of people vaccinated in the unity of the traveller of the Hospital Carlos III rose 26.5% in 2010.

according to the study done by the Centre, can travel for tourism and the destinations are India, Kenya and Viet Nam.

-In 2010, the traveler’s unit administered 23.448 vaccines to 8.643 people who visited the foreign

-this hospital is the only Center that offers comprehensive care before and after the trip for adults and children

Madrid, July of 2011- the Hospital Carlos III of Madrid has carried out a study that reveals that last year increased by 26.5% the number of people that he came to vaccinate traveler’s unit of the hospital.

Data have been obtained from the population that has attended during 2010 the consultations of the unity of the traveller of the Hospital Carlos III, specializing in the health care prior to the trip. This unit spent the last year a total of 8.643 people, with 6.830 in 2009, which was administered 23.448 vaccines, which represents an average of two and three vaccines for travelers.

The necessary vaccines for travel, hepatitis A was which was administered in the Carlos III Hospital in 2010, with 23% of the total. The vaccine against yellow fever was administered to 14 per cent of travellers, followed with a 12.5% tetanus and typhoid fever with 10%.

In addition, 74 per cent of travellers pointed out prophylaxis against malaria or malaria.

According to the hospital, 52% of the travel are made by tourism or adventure, 14% of people who do it for work or 12% that travels through international cooperation. Almost half of these trips, 46 per cent, lasts between fifteen and thirty days.

The study also stresses that travel more women and that their average age around 37 years. Also, the continent preferred in 2010 was Africa, with 39% of trips, followed by Asia, elected by 35 per cent of travellers and South America by 25%. However, the country most visited last year was India, which garnered 15% of travellers, doubling its immediate follower Kenya, which was around 7% of travellers.

They follow them Viet Nam and Peru with 4.5 per cent of outputs carried out abroad in 2010.

Integral and personalized care

Traveler’s unit is integrated into section of Tropical Medicine of the service of infectious diseases at the Hospital Carlos III. This unit offers a comprehensive care prior to travel in a single query custom with a doctor who specializes in tropical pathology. The optional offers travel tips higiénico-sanitarios and food for the journey and prescribe treatments and the required vaccines for the prevention of the diseases present in risk countries. All of this, depending on the destination, duration and type of travel and the clinical history of each.

the Hospital Carlos III is Center of reference in vaccination

international and tropical diseases. It is the only Center in Spain that offers health care before the trip to children and adults, consultation and hospitalization in tropical diseases, CITES telephone and Internet and a website with a database on countries with health risk.

This online service is accessed via the address saludviajero. Since the Hospital Carlos III recalls that it is advisable to request appointment as contracted travel and go to the traveler’s unit between one and two months before the departure to areas with a health risk to the proper administration of the vaccines and preventive treatments. It is also recommended to report in specialized centres of the health needs of the country you plan to visit.