The period of residence of the future neurologists will pass, the current four-year, six.

to the expected adoption of the draft of core subjects, the SEN warns.

– since health remains within the core subjects to the specialty of Neurology, the period of residence should increase two years so that the criteria of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) to fulfil and titles can be validated in Europe

-La-SEN and the National Commission of Neurology have begun to develop the plan European neurologists 2 + 4 ” with the objective that specialist titles may continue to be approved

-currently, Spain is the European country that fewer hours dedicated to the specialty of Neurology for obtaining the academic degree, and in postgraduate training, only exceeds Albania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Moldova. With the entry into force of the core subjects, the situation is further worsening

Spain, January of 2013.- the last draft Royal Decree which regulates the core subjects and other aspects of the system of health training specializing in health sciences, which likely will be approved in a few daysIt remains inside the trunk the speciality of Neurology. Faced with this situation, the Spanish society of Neurology (SEN) warns that, at the time which comes into force this Royal Decree, the formative period of the future neurologists will have to necessarily increase two years more – the four current years will become the six -to comply with the European requirements.

Since the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) requires a minimum of four years of training in neurology to validate titles in Europe, the SEN says that the National Commission of Neurology, responsible for developing the new specialty training programmeIt will have to increase by two years the current duration. Necessarily will be so that you can emulate the rest of European countries since the obligation to devote two years to the trunk, Royal Decree leaves in just two specific to the specialty ”. It is for this reason that the SEN and the National Commission of Neurology have begun to develop the plan European neurologists 2 + 4 ” with the aim that specialist titles may continue to be approved.

In addition, the SEN recalled that because Neurology is made up of many subspecialties, working with a variety of pharmacological arsenal and a variety of diagnostic tests and, in addition, 80% of rare diseases are neurological, increase two years the current lineup will also need for core subjects system does not worsen the current lineup, already in itself, very tight. Now comply with the European standard because, to ensure that the guards are specific and formative, has been equated to clinical training ”.

Currently, and according to the study published in the journal European Journal of Neurology, which not only discusses the training programs in neurology from the European countries, Spain stands out for being that fewer hours dedicated to the specialty for obtaining the academic degree (only 20 hours in front the media 114), but that is located at the tail in postgraduate (in terms of years of residence and months of training) training, only beating Albania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Moldova.

of does not change this situation, and with the entry into force of the Royal Decree of the core subjects, to reduce the years of specific training, would spend the penultimate place ”, designated from the SEN. In addition, if he is observed the tendency of the European countries in relation to the formation of Neurology in the past decade, you can check that the majority has increased their years of training. Spain would be the only European country that was present in the reverse way, placing us among the poorest Neurology formations in Europe, and our professionals are the least competitive ”.

At the end of last November, the SEN presented the results of an anonymous survey, conducted among its nearly 3,000 members, with the aim of knowing the opinion of its members on the current draft of core subjects. It fell not only 89% of Spanish neuroscientists are contrary to the current draft of core subjects, but that reduced the formative period, 88% considered that it would be serious prejudice in the training of neurologists of the future.

It is essential to try to improve the formation of a specialty that, not only deals with treating the Group of diseases most prevalent in our country, but that its impact will continue to increase along with the development of the society and life expectancy ”, designated from the SEN.