Madrid, 8 APR ( EFE).-responsible for health and Social Affairs of the PP, José Ignacio Echániz, said today that people can be “quiet” because there will be cuts in the services provided, but “adjustments” in “unproductive and unnecessary” costs.

Echániz has released this message at a press conference before the omens of the opposition parties that they forecast a cut in health benefits provided to citizens or the implementation of measures which include the co-payment in health.

“Won’t have cuts, yes settings because there are margins for adjusting”, has sentenced the popular leader, before adding that “there are margins of efficiency that, well solved, generate clearances to make things better”.

Has insisted that there is currently a “deep problem” to finance health care, which has been attributed to debt with providers, more than 15,000 million euros that have left the PSOE.

The also health advisor, Castilla – La Mancha has insisted the plight of health due to the debts of the past and to the 5.3 million unemployed “inheritance” that have left the eight years of Socialist rule.

In this sense, reminded that health is financed with taxes for workers and that the current situation of unemployment, which has blamed Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, they have been in a “difficult” situation to health care from the point of view of sustainability.

To preserve the health system, which has been defined as the “jewel of the Crown”, envied by many countries, is necessary to make adjustments in the budget and eliminate “unnecessary and unproductive costs”, especially in this time of economic crisis.

Responsible for the PP health has put as an example the duplication that exist in the health sector and certain issues that were paid and that, in a time of crisis, must be “temporarily” leave finance them until the country back to have financial capacity to do so.

Despite this, has sent a message of “peace of mind” to the population, since “there is now a serious Government” that it wants to “reverse” the situation and will fight to continue having a health care system that works, “in essence exactly the next 30 or 40 years”.

Has thus affected job creation that pursues the labor reform of Mariano Rajoy will make it possible to finance better health thanks to the anticipation of increased revenue for the public purse.

Prevented, on the other hand, clarify whether the Government intends to implement the co-pay in the health system, to say that it is something that has to discuss the autonomous.