The relationship between arthritis and menopause is demonstrated by the loss of estrogen in women.

-estrogen regulate important beneficial cellular processes in the tissue articulated. Menopause gives a decrease in thyroid hormone levels causes changes in cartilage and bone subcondral

-arthritis is a disease below diagnosed in menopausal women that negatively influences quality of life

– proposed a new classification of the origin of primary arthrosis i/o idiopathic including estrogenic deficit

Barcelona, March 2012.- outstanding physicians and scientists of all Spain participated in the XII National Congress of health and medicine for women (SAMEM) which was held in Madrid. Within the framework of this meeting, Dr. Santos Castañeda, rheumatologist from the University Hospital of the Princess, has presented the relationship between arthritis and menopause, one of the new factors that can influence the development of osteoarthritis. According to Dr. Santos Castañeda Studio EPISER already showed that the prevalence of arthritis experienced a sharp increase in women over 45 years and has now been one of the causes may be the decline in the level of estrogen because of the onset of menopause. It is underway the situation that is the gynaecologists who turn to identify early symptoms of the disease, given that they are patients who visit usually ”.

Thus, according to the research group of Dr. Santos Castañeda, in which Dr. Herrero Beaumont, was also estrogens appear to play an important role condroprotector that regulate cellular processes that are beneficial in the tissue articulate and it has shown the presence of receptors for this hormone on cartilage, the bone, the synovial membrane, ligaments and muscle ”. Menopause occurs a decrease in estrogen levels that causes degenerative lesions in the cartilage and bone subcondral, thus determining a State pre artrósico in women. Dr. Santos Castañeda explains that this type of arthritis develops in the early years of menopause and is a distinct syndrome with clear differences both genetic arthritis and aging-related ”.

The publication made by this same group of work goes online perhaps propose that primary osteoarthritis should be classified into three subgroups clearly differentiated: Arthritis type 1 determined by Genetics, 2 estrogen dependent type and type 3 age-related ”. This proposal could allow more accurate and new therapeutic approaches for each subgroup of patients. This new classification is in phase of discussion in the international scientific community.

In this paper also outlined the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures to treat these patients artrósicas. He has been an exhaustive review, rheumatologists and doctors elementary school, SYSADOA drugs (Slow Acting Drug for OsteoAarthritis) such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate confirming its effectiveness and symptomatic level security and support from national and international scientific societies involved in arthritis guides. Also discussed the possibility that these drugs can influence the course of the disease.