Health teams of the city of Rio de Janeiro will be present in half of the public school system.


the Minister of health, Alexandre Padilha, along with the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes, released on May 25, the Health program in schools in the municipality. 160 are fixed and mobile teams eight, since half of the municipal network of teaching. The project will work with preventive actions, integrating the networks of primary health care, basic education and social assistance through the family health program. The Ministry of health is present in 1,993 municipalities with projects like this


the program provides for the attendance of those pupils through eight mobile health units, which will traverse the schools weekly. Each mobile unit account to a doctor, a nurse, a psychologist, a dentist and a helper of oral health. In addition, the units have their own furniture to promote attendance and educational materials that will be delivered to children


“when we look at why a child missing in school is that folks begin to realize that the child does not see right, that does not hear right or have any health problem that undermines the learning. Take the direct health for schools is a possibility that these children have a better school performance and also impacts on the entire population, because the child is diffusive of good practices at home, “said Alexandre Padilha.