Service Hospital Arnau de Vilanova Dermatology phototherapy unit meets a year

-75 patients have been treated during this time of diseases such as psoriasis and the Vitiligo

Valencia, April 2012.- the phototherapy unit of the Hospital Arnau de Vilanova Dermatology service has served 75 patients in its first year of operation. The unit has a cabin of treatment UVA and UVB band estreca (UVBbe), most treated diseases have been the Vitiligo and psoriasis ”, says Esther Quecedo, doctor responsible for the unit.

On the other hand, also have been treated other diseases as Cutaneous Lymphoma cells T, severe atopic eczema in adults, the prurigo, escleroatrofico generalized Lichen or Pityriasis Lichenoides acute.

Phototherapy, both in its classical mode of administration of psoralens and light ultraviolet A (PUVA), as the further development of the treatment with narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB be) is an essential element in the dermatological therapeutic armamentarium of many entities ”, indicates.

Treatments, suggests Dr. Quecedo, must be individualized, discarding the coexistence of fotoagravadas pathologies and adjusting the initial dose, as well as successive increases and maximum dose to the patient fototipo.

is essential, they point, know the medication that may be taking and on all instruct him to always communicate prior to the session of any taking of medication (topical or systemic) to avoid fototóxicas substances or with high power of photosensitivity, and the consequent risk of sunburn.

An essential element in our unit is the nurse Nuria Gálvez, revising before each session if there has been any reaction with the previous session and tries to attach to the extent possible schedules, given that they are treatments requiring two or three days a week assistance ”indicates the doctor.


Against adverse effects such as the risk of burn or the photoaging, phototherapy is an excellent choice therapeutic in pathologies that some alternatives are very expensive (Biological therapy) or non-existent. UVBbe treatment is the only option in pregnant women, or in patients with kidney or liver disease or a history of neoplasms, which counter-indicates other treatments ”.