La X solidarity helps to improve the dialogue and to resolve conflicts in family and school.

with a small gesture things change… want to see it?

-mark the box of social purposes in the statement of income contributes to improve dialogue and resolving conflicts within families and schools through programs of ‘ family mediation in cases of separation or divorce ’, ‘ mediation between parents and children teenage ’ and ‘ psychosocial care to families with children in education Primary and that and awareness of mediation in the school ’. These free services are developed by the Union of family associations (UNAF) and financed by 0.7 per cent of the income tax.

Spain, 2011-June thanks to contributions from people that marked the box social purposes in its income statement in the last call, UNAF has served during 2010 to more than 3,000 people and about 500 families, which has supported the quest joint agreements to resolve their conflicts through the dialogue and through the help of professionals that act as mediators or mediators.

family relations are sometimes damaged as a result of the processes of separation or divorce, not only affect the couple but all the members of the family. For this reason, UNAF makes available to couples in this situation a mediation service family which helps them to recover the dialogue and to seek agreements that allow to reorganize their relations as parents, thereby ensuring the emotional, psychological and social well-being of their daughters and sons.

also changes experienced in adolescence are relations of children with their parents to redefine and, sometimes, difficulties in family life. The program of ‘ mediation between fathers and mothers and sons and teenage daughters ’ comes to resolve these situations, providing a service that supports them in the joint search for solutions to the points of disagreement or conflict, and thereby making a living just and satisfactory for all members of the family.

wider, so the third country programme contributes to improving coexistence between parents, their sons and daughters and education centre, providing care, psychosocial and family counseling, psychosocial support to teachers as well as information sessions in schools on the use of mediation.

with funding from the ‘ X solidarity ’, UNAF offers free all these mediation and care services, to improve dialogue and personal relationships in the family as a school, thus contributing to increase the well-being and quality of life of individuals and families.

in 2009, thanks to the solidarity of contributing persons obtained collection was 264 million euros. Of them, 205 went to launch 1,072 social projects carried out by 405 NGOs of Social Action. More than 800 projects were left unfilled for lack of money. Don’t forget: brand X solidarity. With a small gesture things change.

the platform of NGOs in Social Action

is a State Organization, private, denominational and non-profit, declared of public usefulness, which works to promote the full development of the social and civil rights groups more vulnerable and unprotected of our country and strengthen Third Sector of Social Action. Consists of 28 NGOs, federations and networks working for 11,000,000 people.

the Union of family associations (UNAF) is a non-governmental organization, non-profit, created in 1988 with the aim of working for the welfare of all family models, defending their social, civil and economic rights. Declared of public utility and special consultant in ECOSOC, UNAF is composed of 28 associations, distributed at the State level and focusing on various areas related to the family, such as health, education, children, elderly, parenthood, homoparentalidad or interculturality, among others.