The Spanish society of Electromedicine and Clinical Engineering (SEEIC) held its National Congress X next month of September in Barcelona World Trade Center (WTC), specifically, on 26, 27 and 28 of this month.

Barcelona, September 2012.- the motto chosen on this occasion, ‘ technology is the how. The patient, the why ’, reflects the axis of this meeting: the binomial ‘ paciente-tecnologia ’. The Organization of this Congress is an opportunity to bring together all professionals dedicated to the sector of health technology. These specialists are the technological guarantors of security, quality, availability, and compliance of the equipment electromedical, for which they are responsible. Thus, in an economic context as the current Integrator role becomes fundamental to achieve the maximum quality and efficiency in health care, without forgetting the sustainability of the health system. National Congress this allows us to put in common news and concerns of our industry, as well as recent advances and future prospects in the field of health technology ”, assures Jesus Lucinio Manzanares Pedroche, President of the SEEIC. A complete scientific program for the three days of the Congress, with the aim that attendees deepen in the latest developments in the sector of the Electromedicine and clinical engineering has developed. In addition, this event aims to become a discussion forum in which members may be involved actively. European models in medical services; past, present and future of minimally invasive surgery; alternatives and measures of saving in the use of health technology; or telemedicine, are some of the many topics that are provided for in the scientific program. In the words of the President and the Vice President of the Organizing Committee of this Assembly, Raquel Cánovas and Joan Carles wheel, through the Organization of this Congress seek to achieve three objectives: focus our work on the patient, providing the personal assistance of quality technology in a sustainable way; achieve a greater relationship and strengthen ties between our collective; (e) exchange experiences and join forces to bring together interests ”

Barcelona 09/2012
Xavier Pardell
Organizing Committee X Congress SEEIC