The Spanish society of rehabilitation and physical medicine and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació I physical medicine are calling for the revision of the ERE Mútua Terrassa.

in defense of healthcare to patients and specialty medical.

-the ERE of mutual Terrassa reaches 97% of the rehabilitation service of this Center, affecting thus rehabilitative (400,000 inhabitants) area health coverage and rehabilitation processes in course

– the quality of health care will be very embittered if finally is carried out as, leading to physical and psychic disorders patients from this service

-the measure will lead to important consequences for the public sector because of predictable delays that occur as a result of the increase in periods of low, and the economic impact of the derivations of these sick

-the record of employment regulation affects doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, foniatras, auxiliary and administrative staff

– there is the added fact that this service is a unit Acreditada teacher by the Ministry of education for the formation of internal resident doctors (MIR) in this specialty. Also carries out a research activity of high technical quality

Barcelona, July of 2011- the Spanish society of rehabilitation and physical medicine (SERMEF) and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació i physical medicine have sent a joint letter to the various entities involved in the approval of the record of employment (ERE) submitted by the Hospital Universitari mutual Terrassa Regulation)(HUMT) on 30 June, in order to reconsider his acceptance. said ERE is the dismissal of 71 73 professionals that make up this hospital rehabilitation services, which affects the rehabilitative health coverage from a population that exceeds 400,000 persons, as well as the numerous rehabilitation proceedings currently under way.

Two scientific societies claim in his writing to the Hospital Universitari mutual Terrassa the withdrawal of its request for ERE or, in the case of moving forward, keep operating the service of rehabilitation, in order to avoid the negative impact on the health coverage of more than 400,000 people living in the municipalities of Terrassa-St.QuirzeRubí, Valldoreix and Mirasol, St. Cugat, La Floresta and Les plans; for certain diseases, such as the neuroquirúrgicas or thoracic surgery, the population reaches 1 million inhabitants.

The Spanish society of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació i physical medicine have jointly submitted letters to the Minister of health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Mayor of the City Council of Terrassa and to the President of mutual Terrassa, calling for the revision of the ERE. Both entities show your indignation and astonishment at the grave health situation that the closure of the rehabilitation service will generate ”, and whose impact on the health of the population of the area are eligible for a tremendous irresponsibility ”.

Of carrying out the case of proposed employment regulation, service of rehabilitation of mutual Terrassa, including outpatient, hospital rehabilitation and geriatric care, would be completely dismantled. This service currently working doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, foniatras, auxiliary and administrative staff.

Health, economic and labour cost

The scientific societies of rehabilitation and physical medicine have indicated that without continuity of rehabilitative treatment interruption will be sequels and irreparable deficits in patients, which will have impact on their quality of life, especially in the more fragile: children and the elderly, which are also the most common users of these services ”.

Also have shown that the implementation of the ERE will be delays ” job recovery of workers affected by trauma or disease requiring rehabilitation ”. They have also alluded to the economic impact of the derivations of these sick ”, and the impact in the quality of life ” patients and physical and psychic disorders that will mean all these patients, referral and care assistance elsewhere ”.

Educational unit accredited training MIR

Given the fact that, in addition to its vast health care activity, rehabilitation of mutual Terrasa is an educational unit accredited by the Ministry of education for the formation of internal resident doctors (MIR) in the specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Also, this service has highlighted so far to develop a relevant research activity of high technical quality, and that has been raised to this service at a very high level of efficiency and quality ”.

Are currently treated in rehabilitation of mutual Terrassa service patients suffering from neurological and neuromuscular diseases (stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, infantile cerebral palsy, párkinson, etc.), heart disease (ischemic heart disease)(, etc.), diseases of the apparatus locomotive (such as osteoarthritis, lumbago, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Spondyloarthropathies, inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue, politraumatismos, scoliosis, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis), diseases of the vascular and lymphatic system, well as other pathologies various or rare.