El Hospital Universitario de Henares, belonging to the Ministry of health of the Community of Madrid, has attended in his fourth year of life 239.946 external consultations, rising 58 percent activity in dialysis on the 2010, has informed the Centre said in a statement.

In total have been already addressed 773.572 external consultations since its opening in February 2008. The most important increase in activity this year with respect to the year 2010 has been on dialysis, where there has been a 58 percent increase in the number of meetings.

This is due to the opening of the service also in the afternoon in July 2010 to attend the great welfare demand required by our patients. From that moment a trend upward which very predictably will continue to grow this year.

In the past year have also increased significantly in relation to the activity recorded in 2010, oncohematológicos (8 per cent) treatments and other treatments that are performed in the day Hospital (20 percent), as well as the number of magnetic resonance imaging (7 per cent) and endoscopy do (9 percent).

The rest of care activity has increased, although in one smaller percentage. Total income has increased by 2 per cent making 9.897 income in 2011, emergencies have increased 5 per cent with a total of 78.066 attended emergency and outpatient interventions, which have increased 5 per cent to 4.245 surgical in 2011 acts have been conducted.

Also has increased the number of deliveries by 3 per cent, while the number of Caesarean sections has declined by 24 percent. Thus, in 2011 have been 1.132 births and caesarean section 243 deliveries.

, However, despite the important care activity that had been done, the milestone that has marked the year 2011 for the hospital has been the incorporation, in May of 2011, the first internal resident doctors (MIR) and nurses (EIR) who have chosen the health to form in its different specialties Centre.

Began nine graduates in medicine, who after having passed a test MIR, chose to train in internal medicine, urology, orthopaedic surgery and Traumatology and family medicine and community, and four DUE in nursing family and community.

Health Center, located in Coslada, has served in his four years of life 773.572 patients treated in outpatient 35.484 pacientes ingresados en hospitalización and 277.883 people en urgencias.

In this period has made a total of 13.652 outpatient surgeries in which the patient receives medical discharge the same day of its operation, without having to be entered. With regard to operations in which patients have required income, a total of 10.302 have already been made.