Polyps and nodules are among the most common, but an early diagnosis becomes the essential tool to treat these disorders without resorting to surgery.

Disorders of the vocal cords are often caused by different causes, such as “excessive use of the voice when we sing, speak, smoke, tosemos, yelled or inhale irritating substances”, explain the specialists of the clinic Dam of Madrid.

Polyps and nodules are among the more frequent the strings or folds disorders vowels.

“Polyps are inflammatory tissue that arises after a trauma in the vocal mucosa, says Cristóbal López-Cortijo, Secretary general of the society Spanish of Otolaryngology.

For its part, the nodules “are the result of the continuous vocal efforts, such as engaged teachers or singers,” says López-Cortijo.

“The initial treatment of these injuries is vocal therapy and approximately 90% of the nodules disappear with this treatment,” pointing the Otolaryngologist Luis Humberto Jimenez Fandiño on his website “laringeyvoz.com”.

Nodules and polyps, there are different types of benign (not cancerous) lesions of the larynx. Among them are edema, hiperquerastosis and papillomas.

Edema are “accumulations of fluid in interstitial spaces”, says Dr. López-Cortijo. The hiperquerastosis are “alterations of the superficial layer of the mucosa with keratin formation.” “If it is a thick layer, gives a whitish mucosa”, explains. Can also produce papillomas, i.e. “formations irregular warty”, adds.

Polyps, nodules and other injuries of the vocal cords can become chronic “with ease”, points out Dr. López-Cortijo. This is due to that the elastic structure of vocal cord is affected easily by very small alterations required.

The speed in the detection of these pathologies facilitates their subsequent cure. When there is a lack of long vocal hygiene and the lesion is growing rapidly, “If the patient is not diagnosed early, medical treatments are no longer effective and surgery becomes necessary,” said the specialist.

“Fonocirugía, is a technique endoscopic and minimally invasive, is a surgical technique of great delicacy and that requires expert hands,” warns.

“Vocal rest and the inhalation of steam of hot water are the first step,” says López-Cortijo. “Later is necessary the use of anti-inflammatory of growing power, including oral steroids,” pointing.

Purification LEÓN.

EFE reports.

Disorders of the vocal cords are often caused by different causes, such as excessive use of the voice when we sing, speak, smoke, tosemos, yelled or inhale substances irritants.

Vocal cord disorders tend to have different symptoms. EFE/purification LEÓN.