The WTO General Assembly agrees to the procedure to ensure the authenticity and security of new private prescription.

Spain, June 2012.- the Assembly General of the Organization Medical College has adopted, at its meeting of last weekend, the procedure homogeneous to ensure authenticity and maximum security of the private prescription which will enter into force in January 2013, pursuant to Royal Decree 1718 / 2010 on medical prescription and dispensing orders.

From mid-January, 2013, private prescriptions, both paper and electronic, must be consistent throughout the country format and contemplate procedures that ensure authenticity and maximum security, contribute to improving the use of medicines, help simplify the task of medical professionals and pharmacists and strengthen guarantees of citizens.

Nuevo modelo de  receta

La receta médica privada, al igual que la pública, es un documento normalizado y obligatorio mediante el cual los médicos, odontólogos o podólogos, legalmente facultados para ello, y en el ámbito de sus competencias, prescriben a los pacientes medicamentos sujetos a prescripción médica para su posterior dispensación en las oficinas de farmacia. They are an essential means for the transmission of information between health care professionals and a guarantee for patients.

The Decree attributed to the General Council of official medical schools (CGCOM) powers on private prescription and you responsible for the issue, management, control and inspection of the same. I.e., makes the CGCOM through the medical schools watchdog or normalizer of this procedure.

The Assembly of the WTO proposal for its Permanent Commission and your own prescription Observatory has agreed to establish a homogeneous mechanism that ensures the authenticity and safety of private prescriptions, through the implementation of a code of electronic verification (CVE)a kind of bar code associated with the prescription number, allowing to check to which doctor in particular has been assigned a specific book, what College belongs the optional prescriber, what his specialty, as drug and in which pharmacy has dispensed. I.e., this implementation will enable traceability of the recipe, something novel and lets you make a quality leap in the prescription and value becomes the irreplaceable role of the CGCOM and the medical schools.

The WTO, through the Observatory of the prescription, has been working in this Decree, with the General advice of dentists, chiropodists and pharmacists in order to adapt the private prescription which establishes the Royal Decree 1718 / 2010 on medical prescription and dispensing orders.

Un pasaje de la Asamblea celebrada

Para poner en marcha este mecanismo, la OMC creará una plataforma tecnológica que, partiendo del código de verificación electrónica (CVE), interrelacione los datos del médico prescriptor, los del Colegio al que está adscrito y los datos identificativos de la oficina de farmacia que ha efectuado la venta, in a kind of store or data center.

The Assembly has agreed to establish mechanisms of cooperation and participation with 52 colleges of physicians responsible for implementing the circuit to be used from a collegiate requested a book of recipes until you receive with the implementation of these measures. This circuit will allow his own medical electronic application through the use of the card of medical collegiate with electronic signature as a trademark the Act itself of professional services (Omnibus Bill).

In terms of the private prescription electronically, the WTO has established a protocol of approval computer prescription system, reflected in a guide to audit approval of CGCOM, which must comply with all electronic prescription programs that implement independent domestic sector of origin (Professional)(, mutual companies, consortia, clinics, etc.).

Start this procedure, the Assembly has agreed to promote coordination with the health authorities and the General Council of schools officers of pharmacists, in order to establish the procedure for approval of the system of electronic private prescription which enables interoperability and, therefore, the adaptation to European e-prescriptions.