London, 5 Dec (EFE).-A group of scientists has discovered two black holes more major known to date, with a mass almost 10 billion times higher than the Sun, as it publishes the magazine today “Nature”.

These holes black, located in two massive elliptical galaxies about 270 million light years from Earth, are much larger what had been predicted by extrapolation of the attributes of the galaxies hostesses.

According to experts, headed by Chung-Pei Ma of the University of California (United States), the finding suggests that the processes that influence the growth of large galaxies and their black holes differ which affect Galaxy small.

It is believed that all mass with component spheroidal galaxies housed at their centers black holes giant.

In addition, fluctuations in luminosity and brilliance identified in quasars in the universe early suggest that some of them would have been powered by black holes with masses billion times higher than the Sun.

However, until now the largest black hole known, located in the giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87, had a mass of only 6.3 billion mass plots.

Black holes are difficult to detect because its powerful gravity absorbs everything, including light or other radiation that could reveal their presence.

The scientists evaluated data from two neighboring the aforementioned, 3842 NGC and NGC 4889, galaxies and concluded that black holes supermassive. There was

They used the Gemini Hawaii Telescope adapted with special lenses to detect the movement of anomalous moving near black holes and stars that are absorbed by estos.

The researchers found that NGC 3842 contains at its centre a black hole with a mass equal to 9.7 million solar masses, while there is another with a mass equal to or greater in NGC 4889, ensure in “Nature”.

These black holes would have an event horizon – the region in which nothing, not even light, can escape its attraction – a seven times greater than our entire solar.

According to experts, the sheer size of the holes should be its ability to devour not only planets and stars but also smaller galaxies, a process that would have taken place over millions of years. EFE