this Valentine’s day tell him you want option medical.

Barcelona, February 2011- option medical clinics specializing in plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, advanced and the treatment of obesity, offers you exclusive packs of beauty that you try this San Valentín. packages designed especially for them, and them that include treatments for advanced aesthetic medicine both body and facial at very special prices.

For them, most affected by acne and, consequently, by the external marks of the skin, medical option proposes to give a Chemical Peeling. Through this treatment we exfoliate the skin through a chemical abrasion and offers some surprising results. It is very effective to eliminate unsightly spots, wrinkles and acne marks.

abrasive treatments provide a more or less deep exfoliation of the skin depending on the time of application and the level of concentration. Always will be the doctor who determines, according to the needs of each patient, the type of Peeling to be applied. Exfoliating peeling chemist: 101€

for them to face level, the clinic offers two options adapted to all kinds of pockets to combat the signs of age and rejuvenate the face. 1 Facial Pack includes treating expression wrinkles with Botox, the technique of light down IPL, ideal to eliminate small veins and blemishes on the skin, Facial Mesotherapy, which improves the hydration of the skin and stimulates blood circulation bringing light to the face and filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. All 925 €.

If we are looking for a cheaper gift, is also available on 2 Facial Pack, which includes the technique of IPL Facial, combined with the Facial Messoterapia and filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. Price: 360€. Medical option has also thought about medical treatments for two.

Ultra-Lipo method is a new non invasive technique using high intensity focused ultrasound, destroying localized fat. Its unique technology allows losing only a session of 1 hour between 3 and 8 cm for waist contour. Addition, it also stimulates release of collagen, which helps to combat and improving flaccidity and skin laxity.

A unique opportunity to give the possibility to dispose finally of the uncomfortable and unsightly fat located. Exclusive discount for Valentine’s day of 15%. Price: between 1325 and 1550€, depending on the characteristics of the patient and the area to be treated.

Medical laser hair removal is no doubt that in the medium and long term will save money and investment will be much more comfortable both men and women. Only medical option uses equipment of last generation laser and high power medical exclusive use. Its advanced technology is effective with all skin tones and regardless of the type of hair, why can follow the treatment throughout the year without interruption. Special discount to 20% Valentine’s day.