Calories are everywhere: an innocent Cup of coffee can contain up to 500, and sweets, or large portions of food are not our allies, but there is a way to lose weight or simply caring for our silhouette controlling our customs.

– Most people underestimate the amount of food you eat throughout the day. To avoid that unnoticed tons of calories and fat unwanted pass, controls the size of the portions that you serve. Don’t eat with your eyes, serve the food by calculating the size of your closed fist, chewing at least 30 times, and if you get hungry misses five minutes before repeating the portion (the information that you feel satisfied takes to get the stomach to the brain).

-Creates a menu plan. Plan ahead what you eat help to keep the adequate food and avoid leaving spend many hours between meals.

-Is important to make healthy decisions. For example, if a pair of fruits or you with toast has the same calories a doughnut filled with fat, think twice before opting for fats, make this effort is worthwhile.

-No you prives things that you love, but eat them in moderation. Include them in your diet, consume a little bit as a reward or just for pleasure. Do diet is a matter of balance.

-If you have a slip and you eat others, do not throw the towel. Better learn to forgive and start again. It is better to acknowledge you eaten other and return to the diet to abandon everything and thus stop take care you same.