Various are the factors that cause they look unsightly puffiness. Lack of sleep, the pace of life, insomnia, stress… but also genetics and bad habits often have a key role in the emergence of the eyering.

Puffiness are characterized by their purchase on the stock exchange of the eyes, a bluish color, giving appearance of tiredness and sadness in our face.

These tricks may serve either to prevent their occurrence, to treat them when already have gone.

First and foremost, sleeps well, because that is the main cause of the appearance of puffiness. We recommend a few 8 daily time for the body rest well and not feel fatigue. If you sleep face up, is better, because it facilitates this position the blood flow in the face

Baths with chamomile, are highly recommended as it removes the redness by smoke, anger, etc., avoiding that they appear later the eyering.

Salt is a good ally to fight puffiness, avoid us retaining plenty of fluids. Apply a small amount below the eyes.

Apply eye contour cream, produces a calming effect and reduces bags of eyes

Finally, a mask applied regularly, as those made based on you cold or natural herbs, to avoid that puffiness will appear in your face