tooth sensitivity is more frequent in summer oral problem

-The increase in the consumption of drinks during these months to enhance the appearance of this condition

-treatments, although simple, you should be supervised by a professional to achieve its maximum effectiveness and reduce the symptoms

Madrid, August 2012.- with the arrival of summer produces a notable increase in the consumption of food and cold drinks. This entails an increase in the occurrence of cases of tooth sensitivity, a fairly common discomfort that manifests itself as an unpleasant, often painful sensation to certain thermal stimuli and the consumption of certain foods.

The only manifestation of tooth sensitivity is pain, which, in some cases, may be located on one or several teeth in a very concrete way. In this condition there are no degrees, as Dr. Alexander Wolf, Sanitas, Millenium Dental clinics dental must take into account that each patient has different pain threshold and feel way subjective tooth sensitivity, which makes it impossible to establish in this pathology degrees ”.

In what refers to his appearance, Dr. Lobo says that could be both mechanical gum and/or tooth wear and wear by acid erosion of the tooth. This wear, generally at its narrowest dental, makes us lose the protection afforded the enamel and gums exposing the dentin and, sometimes, the own root of the tooth ”

in the appearance of tooth sensitivity, noticeably affect oral hygiene habits. A good oral hygiene is essential but a too aggressive brushing can favour the appearance of tooth sensitivity, so it is advisable to perform a proper brushing technique that will not damage or the enamel of the tooth or the gum.

To prevent the occurrence of this ailment, also you must avoid or reduce consumption of cold or acidic. Also, is recommended to use specific products to dental sensitivity such as topical gels, mouthwash or denture pastes ”, says Dr. Alexander Wolf.

Accessible treatments, but with health guarantee

There are a variety of treatments for tooth sensitivity which vary depending on the patient. They range from products that we can buy in pharmacies or supermarkets, to those that apply in the dental office in the hands of a qualified professional. These products differ in the percentage of Chemistry (potassium nitrate and fluoride) and it is recommended that it be the dentist to decide what treatment to use depending on the case.

In the most frequent cases where the tooth sensitivity is moderate and there has been a significant harm in the tooth or gums, the effects of the treatment begin to receive 10 to 15 days of its inception.

Anyway, cases in which tooth sensitivity leads to one bigger problem and requiring surgery are not usual. In cases where severe gingival retraction occurs, can resort to the use of surgery mucogingival with grafts of gingiva. This is not a simple technique, requires a previous study and must be performed by a periodontist ”. For this reason, is essential that, before undergoing any treatment, those who suffer from tooth sensitivity should consult with a qualified professional ”, says Dr. Alejandro Wolf.