Publisher Santos, a member of GEN, throws weight works at the biggest event of Dentistry of Latin America.< span id = "more-12967" >


Editora Santos, a member of GEN | National Publishing Group, present in another edition of international dental Congress of Sao Paulo – CIOSP, held January 31 to February 03, at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo. With more than 500 titles in its catalog, the Saints will take you to the event releases and important works for the education and training of students and practitioners of dentistry and medicine. The Publisher will also offer special discounts on your entire catalog.

among the releases are the books Oral Medicine-practice in dentistry and Metal Free Hospital-Dental contact lenses and Crowns. The launches will be on January 31, with autograph session with the respective authors. Other highlights of the Publisher will be: Fundamentals of dentistry | Prosthetic rehabilitation Craniomaxilofacial , written by the President of the CIOSP, Reinaldo Brito and Days; Complications in implantology Oral | Etiology, prevention and treatment ; Basics of pathology and Oral Medicine 8th Edition – will , skeletal anchorage in orthodontics | Mini implant, Minicard, multidisciplinary approach – 2nd Edition ; Promotion of oral health in Orthodontic Patients .


Oral Medicine-practice in Hospital Dentistry


the launch happens on the first day of the CIOSP, 05:00 pm, bookstore booth Napoleon.


Metal Free | Contact lenses and Dental Crowns


the launch happens also on the first day of the event at 07:00 pm, bookstore booth Napoleon.


