Training just to be in the form. That is why, if this last si este ultimo is your case, you are going to teach the different exercises you can do to keep you in form

On the one hand we have the cardiovascular exercise, we can do four or six hours per week, we can distribute it in three or five sessions. This exercise is intended to strengthen the heart and reducing fatigue. we also have the strength and endurance exercises, this exercise is recommended to do two or three times per week, in sessions of one hour or hour and a half. Seeks to improve muscle tone and prevent back pain and possible injuries of the apparatus locomotive.

And stretches, which are advised to do on a daily basis to avoid overloading the muscles and injuries. But we can also exercise and improve flexibility with specific sessions 6 days a week. Also our more flexible muscles will prevent injury and we will gain in quality of movement

Viton Ball Nutrition

Tags: benefits exercise, wellness