Try do you know what is the DeRose method? We explain this beneficial for your health and little known body discipline at the grassroots level.Although many people think that this method is a variant of the yoga has to be said that the DeRose is a method that goes beyond and that seeks to be a form of global life teaches us how we can have better quality of life and as our human relations will be more ’constructive’. as the same method founder deRose it is based on two axes: concepts and techniques. The first make two days a week at a centre to improve the physical and the concepts that are abstract, they spread in activities such as workshops, dining and outputs group meetings. This combination brings to those who practise the good human relations, good manners, a refined behaviour and good nutrition, among other values .DeRose was building this method base of articulating a series of concepts and skills that rescued from the beginnings of the yoga , dating from thousands of years ago. This technique has been and gone, even on the rise since the 1960s. Do you dare to try it? Trends Yahoo culture DeRose, art and philosophy

Tags: quality of life, physical discipline, DeRose method, technical body, yoga