
No, not talking of an elixir of eternal youth, or immortality, but if we talk about five foods that bring us so many benefits, that could help us live a few years and especially in the best conditions.

To begin speaking of almonds, which are great for our body, as they lower bad cholesterol, and also lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, the almonds are a source of acid amines and vitamins and which fights in our skin exposure to the Sun. the seeds of flax or linseed are ideal because they are acids omega 3 ideal for smoothing the skin and its signs of aging. We turn to the antioxidant quintessential red tomato, this must be given red that will thus be more antioxidant substance to absorb.

Dried raisins are also beneficial to rejuvenate the cells, are rich in bronze and boron which will help us to combat osteoporosis, moreover they are foods rich in fiber so necessary for our body. This is well known by all, yogurt is ideal for our defences, to be fermented, it contains microorganisms that reinforced the defenses of the intestines.

Live healthy Hektel

Tags: healthy foods, good food, live more