
in our blog we usually speak usually of aesthetic problems as cellulite, but there are other defects are also worrying, in this case both for men and women. In particular I am referring to unsightly stretch marks that appear on the skin when we suffer sudden and intense changes of weight

May be for a regime of thinning, pregnancy, by suddenly begin to exercise … the case is that sometimes, the joy of losing the kg is added the disgust of seeing stretch marks appear in areas such as the abdomen, the thighs or buttocks.

from Instimed medical centers comes a treatment which guarantees that we can remove stretch marks based on radio frequency. The first thing I do is mention the offer which is now valid until July 30, so I don’t forget, and is ten sessions for three hundred and fifty euros. As they say in the Institute, stretch marks are beginning to disappear from the fourth session.

The apparatus that performs the treatment is called STRIAK ®, and today seems to be the technique that best results are achieved.This device works as I have said, emitting radio frequency, which is capable of generating new collagen and elastin by stimulation of the heat shock proteins. Radiation reaches exactly the depth of the dermis that collagen has been altered (i.e. where the Groove), to repair this damage by creating neo-collagen and elastin neo.

For those of you who are interested, you can enter on the website of Instimed for more information about the treatment.Image / Instimed.

Tags: new techniques grooves, remedies stretch marks