Trade unions raise the participation of workers in the field of health care in the general strike to 65 per cent, compared with 26,02% provided by the Xunta on follow-up in the care centres of the Sergas.

According to data provided to Reuters by trade unions UGT and CC.OO, the follow-up was in this sector between 60 and 65%, “despite a more exaggerated minimum service in other strikes”, said Lola González, cc.OO.

Furthermore, Javier Martínez, representative of UGT in health, has pointed out that participation in the specialized attention has been “slightly higher” than in the primary, but highlighted monitoring data “taking into account that the medical Union and nursing not called”, she added.

According to the Xunta, by provinces, the follow-up has been “uneven”. Thus, sets it 24.80% in the province of a Coruña; 17, 96% in Lugo; 23.07% in Ourense and in the province of Pontevedra 31.80.