the USP Institut Universitari Dexeus maxillofacial surgery offers a course directed to dentists. online marketing

The course will be taught by the Chief of the service of maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Antoni Arcas, and Jordi Gallejones, specialist in marketing online in the health sector.

Barcelona, may 2010.- The USP Institut Universitari Dexeus maxillofacial surgery offers Friday May 28 an Online Marketing course in dentistry and medicine. During the session, given by the Chief of the service of maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Antoni Arcas, and by Jordi Gallejones, specialist in marketing online in the health sector, will explore new lines of communication to Internet and social networks open up between patients and doctors.

The course will focus on how technological marketing is changing consumption patterns in medicine. We will study the key points for success on the Internet and how an online marketing strategy can carry out an odontológica-médica query. Finally, a workshop will be made to apply the acquired knowledge.

In the words of Dr. Antoni Arcas, reality is changing very quickly, and the medicine is no stranger to the incorporation of these new forms of communication. New technologies are changing consumer habits and the companies are adapting and changing their marketing strategies in order to promote their services and attract new customers. The course aims to give the keys on the new channels of communication with patients and explain the possibilities of marketing online in the field of dentistry ”.

USP Dexeus maxillofacial surgery service is pioneer in the use of these new technologies to improve communication with the patient as well as to explore the possibilities offered by the new ways of relationship, such as social networks or blogs, to improve the circuits of information among professionals.

The course takes place in the Auditorium of USP Dexeus (c / Sabino Arana, 5-19.) (Ground floor). (Barcelona) and is aimed at both stomatologists, dentists and surgeons maxillofacial as marketing of industry leaders and professional medical in general.

Maxillofacial surgery, implantology and cosmetic Facial USP Institut Universitari Dexeus service is a reference at the national level in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the pathology of the face and oral cavity, both in the field of implantology, facial deformities and facial aging.