VerifyNow P2Y12 test gets the EC brand new prognosis.

-test of Accumetrics platelet reactivity gets CE mark for identification of patients at high risk of recurrent cardiovascular events

San Diego, may of 2011. Accumetrics, Inc., developer of the system VerifyNow (R), the first medical system fast and easy to use for the measurement of the revival of platelets to multiple antiplatelet agents, announced last Tuesday that VerifyNow P2Y12 test has already received the CE mark for its use of prognosis in the identification of patients with residual platelet reactivity high (also to) (those who have submitted a poor response) in anti-platelet therapies (e.g. clopidogrel) who are at high risk of future cardiovascular events.

There are numerous studies that have demonstrated the connection between highly residual platelet reactivity and the great risk of ischemic events. Studies have been more than 3,000 patients, who used the test VerifyNow P2Y12, showing the correlation between clinical outcomes based on the PRUDENT (P2Y12 reaction units) results, reaching the conclusion that treatment PRUDENT greater than or equal to 230 identifies patients at risk much higher future cardiovascular eventsincluding death, stent thrombosis and heart attack.

“Researchers, like me, have long been studying the relationship between platelet reactivity while undergoing therapy against platelet and risk of recurrent ischemic events within our cardiovascular patients”, said Robert d. Storey, doctor and Professor of cardiology at the University of SheffieldEngland. “The VerifyNow P2Y12 test offers a quick and easy means to assess the individual response to platelet drugs.” “The achievement of a claim of prognosis will strengthen the application of risk stratification, potentially to guide therapy in the patients ometidos coronary stent to”.

“The CE mark for use in prognosis of VerifyNow P2Y12 test in high risk assessment represents an achievement highlighted to Accumetrics,” said Timothy i. Still, managing director and CEO of ccumetrics. “In addition, considering the recent inclusion of the evidence of eactividad of platelet in UA/NSTEMI ACCF/AHA guidelines and guidelines for the conservation of the STS/SCA, VerifyNow system blood has resulted in a considerable mpacto on how physicians treat cardiovascular patients”.

VerifyNow system is widely used in several clinical settings in which anti-platelet medications are prescribed to reduce the occurrence of future episodes thrombotic attacks and heart stoppages. VerifyNow P2Y12 test is not currently indicated for use in assessment of risk in United States cases. The EC mark of this use is recognized by the European economic area.

About Accumetrics

Accumetrics is committed to the advancement of medical knowledge of the role of platelets and the improvement of the quality in the treatment of patients who receive anti-platelet therapies, providing test diagnosis widely accessible for rapid assessment of platelet function and leaders in the industry.

Accumetrics VerifyNow system is the first platform quick and easy to use that he helps doctors to evaluate the individual response of multiple antiplatelet agents. It is aimed at leading antiplatelet drugs, including products approved by the FDA for aspirin, inhibitors P2Y12 (for example, prasugrel (Effient (R)) and clopidogrel (Plavix (R)), and inhibitors GP IIb/IIIa (for example, ReoPro (R) and Integrilin r), the system VerifyNow provides a valuable tool to help doctors decide on treatment with higher basis.