VII seminar practical psychology and Diabetes for parents and adolescents.

santa Pola, 24 and 25 September 2011.

Spain, 2011-September Adolescence is one of the stages of life of people with diabetes during which control of the disease is more difficult. The psychological support of both adolescent as the parents makes a good diabetes care.

To respond to the concerns that arise within families with a child or adolescent with diabetes, the Foundation for Diabetes in collaboration with the Federation of diabetics in the Valencian Community, held the last weekend the VII seminar practical psychology and Diabetes for parents and adolescentsa recognized activity of sanitary interest for the Undersecretary of the Ministry of health, Social policy and equality.

The programme included theoretical and practical sessions which dealt with the various aspects related to each age group in which the participants are divided. Also the Group of teenagers performed during the Saturday evening a sport with formative contents in diabetes.

Teaching staff:

-D. Javier Hurtado – clinical psychologist. Expert Univ. in education Diabetológica

-D. I̱aki Lorente Рclinical psychologist. Navarra Diabetes Association

-D. Jaume Picazos – Bachelor of physical education

-Ms. Olga Sanz – clinical psychologist

directed a:

-fathers and mothers of children with diabetes from 0 to 11 years of age.

-fathers and mothers of young people with diabetes from 12 to 17 years of age.

-boys and girls with Diabetes from 12 to 17 years.