Health Vinalopó distinguishes Manuel Cervera Taulet and maximum González Jurado as defenders of health.

the Minister of health, Luis Rosado, presents the award to the former Minister Manuel Cervera.

-this distinction recognizes who have contributed throughout his career to defending an excellence health

– in the field of nursing, Alberto de Rosa has distinguished itself to maximum González jury for his special role as representative of the profession

Elx. June 2012.- the Minister of healthPink luis has chaired the second edition of Act tribute defenders of the health 2012, a distinction the vinalopo Valley Health Department awarded annually to outstanding professionals of the health sector in recognition of his career and extraordinary contribution for health care of excellence.

In. Currently, Cervera serves as national deputy members.

El galardón ha sido entregado por Luis Rosado, conseller de Sanitat, quien ha dicho que Manuel Cervera, es una gran persona, amigo y leal en lo personal y perseverante en lo profesional, que ha defendido siempre una sanidad de calidad, humana, próxima, y que sea sostenible en el tiempo, algo en lo que seguimos trabajando actualmente en la conselleria de Sanitat”.

In the area of nursing, the second Honoree has been up to González Jurado, current President of the Council General of nursing of Spain, distinguished by its special role as a representative of the profession. Currently, González jury exercises, in addition, as a Professor of the College of nursing, physical therapist and Podiatrist of the Complutense University of Madrid. The prize has been delivered by Alberto de Rosa, general director of Bank health group.

The Auditorium of the Centre has brought together more than one hundred of attendees who wanted to nurture the honorees this year among those who are winners in 2011, Dr. Medrano, Professor of surgery of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche, and Dr. ArroyoPresident of the College of doctors of Alicante.

Ramon Navarro, Manager of the Department of health of the vinalopo Valley, has opened the meeting with a few words about the significance of the distinction health advocate ”, inviting attendees to take the witness to carry out our work with a vocation for service and faithful commitment to health of excellence based on the effort, work and professionalism ”.

Del mismo modo, Alberto de Rosa, Director General del Grupo Ribera Salud, ha destacado la necesidad del trabajo en equipo y la unidad para hacer frente a una situación en la que se está cuestionando la sostenibilidad de la economía española y de España, no solo de la sanidad, y todos -profesionales sanitariosproductivity, management, citizens …-we work to emerge from the crisis with a strengthened and renewed model ”.

The ceremony concluded with the words of the Minister, Luis Rosado, stressing that values of the health advocates through the courage to be able to undertake the changes necessary to maintain the high quality of health care in the region, whose continuity we are obliged to follow the leadership to carry out despite the resistance of the system and the honesty to be able to transmit in a simple and real the progress changes ”.