Vitamin vitamin solar ” seems that that our ensures our mind stays bright have the age that we. The latest research in the University of Manchester results also show that the use of vitamin D supplements in people with diets low in this would be useful to avoid these deficiencies.

At the level of the population are talking about a lot of people. If there is a relationship could have a significant effect in case of error, correcting supplementation would be easy to ” declare researchers.

vitamin B12 occurs when the skin is exposed to sunlight, although it can be taken directly in some foods such as fish oils and its importance lies in that it promotes the absorption of calcium in bone. And recent studies have also indicated that the vitamin D may protect against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and tuberculosis.

The study compared the cognitive capacities of 3000 European between 40 and 79 years and found that those with lower levels of vitamin D worst results obtained in the exercise of mental agility. Scientists do not even know exactly how vitamin D and mental agility are connected, but it could be that these vitamins were involved in the regulation of hormonal activity or neural protection of our brain.

Although despite all the doctors warning that it would be totally counterproductive to start taking the Sun’s way excessive in the hope of delaying the mental deterioration because this would increase the risk of cancer significantly.

Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry – Reuters Health

Tags: mental agility, vitamin D