Are going to fight together against psoriasis ”.

Spain, 2011-October are going to fight together against this disease ”. With this phrase sums up Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos, psychiatrist and Professor of the University of New York, the doctor-patient Alliance which is essential in the fight against psoriasis, a chronic skin disease afflicting 1.4% of the Spanish population (650,000).

On a visit to Madrid, Rojas Marcos has released some key messages to help those affected by psoriasis to increase their self-esteem and, in turn, to get the motivation needed to continue treatment, because in this way will they manage to control the disease.

The prestigious psychiatrist, who lived from 43 years ago in New York, has participated in a jornada-coloquio organized by LEO Pharma, and in collaboration with Academia Española of Dermatology and Veneorología (AEDV) and the Association of action Psoriasis patients. Dermatologists, representatives of patients and the College of pharmacists of Madrid have been able to talk to Rojas Marcos at a ceremony held at the Casino in the Spanish capital.

The doctor, an ally

The fact that the therapeutic follow-up of psoriasis is very low – only 15% of patients comply with the prescribed topical treatment – emphasizes the need to motivate patients to be constant and good keepers of treatment: this depends on getting the laundering of the injuries.

Luis Rojas Marcos believes that a relationship of trust and empathy between doctor and patient is essential. The patient should be considered the doctor an ally, and should be as open as possible with him, being able to tell you, doctor, do not understand what I explained ”, if the case. ”

from left to right, Dr. Ribera (Vice-President AEDV), DRA. Gloria Caballé representative LEO Pharma, Professor Rojas Marcos, Don Pedro de la Morena (representative action Psoriasis)

treatment of life may seem, from the outset, an arduous task. If the role of the physician is essential, the patient, by his side, should take control of the disease ”, ensures Rojas Marcos. And this is done, the psychiatrist, explains incorporating the disease to our personality, as if it were one aspect of our lives, and being aware that we can control. ”

disease as a challenge, not as a stigma

the psychological burden that takes the patient’s psoriasis tends to be important, especially in people who based their self-esteem in the physical. Live in a society extremely concerned about the image, makes those affected by psoriasis have even more difficult to accept their illness.

Luis Rojas Marcos, with extensive experience in dealing with patients with diseases of all kinds, says that, to overcome rejection, must understand that it means the disease for us. If makes us feel inferior, is difficult. If we see it as a challenge, we will have the possibility to dominate ”.

Treatments effective and more comfortable

The prevalence of psoriasis in the population remains stable, although it has increased the number of affected who attend the consultations, then becoming more known disease at the social level and appears in the media. Dr. Miquel Ribera, Vice President of the AEDV and Adviser to action Psoriasis dermatologist considers it very important that sufferers of psoriasis visit your doctor or dermatologist in way frequent (twice a year at least).

Though for a long time had not advanced in the knowledge of the disease, in recent years have come new treatments that may be helpful to many patients. It is the case of topical treatments (which are applied on the skin), which earlier used to be greasy and cumbersome to implement, and which have now been improved by a new generation of gels, creams and ointments, easy application and high-efficiency, and achieve the whitening of the lesions, or a large part ”.

The message is clear: the patient who meets treatment manages to control the disease. In the world Psoriasis day, on October 29, this message along with the necessary partnership of doctors and patients must reach society as a whole.