(www.neomundo.com.ar) redness, itching and tearing up eye mucous secretion can be symptoms of ocular allergy, as is the case with other types of allergies, is triggered by the presence of an allergen.

“It’s an exaggerated response of the immune system of the eye, i.e. the system which defends it microbes, before a foreign particle or allergen that other people may not produce any kind of response” explained Alejandro Aguilar, medical ophthalmologist specializing in ocular surface and President of the Argentina society of Ocular surface diseases.

For producing the allergic response need that eye raise awareness to the contact with the allergen, and this can happen in days, weeks, months or years, so an ocular allergy can wake up anytime.

“In our days where environmental conditions are extremely variable, with strong winds, high temperatures, humidity and large contamination of the environment, the eye receives allergens in greater proportion and immune system takes it as an attack that should be stopped.” “Minimum daily responses of the immune system do go there an awareness without visible symptoms, until that one day the answer becomes larger and allergic symptoms appear,” said the specialist.


The presence of volcanic ash is another current environmental trigger allergy eye.

“During the months of eruption of the volcano increased consultations by allergy outside the typical period of spring.” “The ashes produced eye dryness, irritation, and a very characteristic symptom such as burning,” said Aguilar.

Volcanic ash increased not only consultation, but that also increased the demand for eyewashes.

Different types

Common allergens are mites dust, pollen, pet hair, spores of fungi, household fungi (of moist as bathroom and kitchen) and cosmetics, these elements may not exercise any reaction in individuals but in those who are susceptible can trigger a response allergic.

Different types of ocular allergy, are acute forms such as seasonal allergy (predominantly from September until the end of the summer) and much more severe, chronic forms like some reactions to contact lenses, allergies of contact, the perennial (that extends throughout the year) and a particular form of potentially serious allergy that is called “atopic conjunctivitis”.

The most common is the seasonal allergy “is there an estimated 23% of ocular allergic patients at the global level of which 88% are people with seasonal allergies” said the specialist.


Consultation with the specialist not well detected eye discomfort is essential, “the first stage of an ocular allergy, when the eye reacts to the allergen, is considered an acute process because it is when all symptoms appear.” “If not treated in time, they can move forward and move to a chronic stage where appear the inflammatory phenomena and it can lead to serious injury, especially in the cornea” warned Aguilar.

Normally ocular allergies are treated with products or local drugs: “There is a huge battery of medications to handle this type of allergy.” They are anti-allergy eyewashes, without cortisone, very easy to place and giving very good results. “Eventually it may also include some antiallergic orally administered”.

Aguilar also explains that this is to prevent the administration of corticoids because while it is very useful to quickly cut the allergic process, in many cases there is a subsequent use without monitoring or recommendation of the specialist that can lead to bigger problems: “it is very common that the patient keep the drug in the kit and then use it another family member only because it has the red eye.” “From this error could occur, for example, that a child begins to use it because it has the red-eye out of the pool and that uncontrolled use of the health care provider can foster the emergence of impaired as the cataract and glaucoma in the future”.

Is very important to the query the professional because even the use of decongestants, which removed the redness, can temporarily relieve the symptoms but not control the genesis of the allergy “addition of generating unit and require increasingly higher doses, these decongestants cannot solve the focus of the issue”.

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