What kefir is a type of fermented milk (as it might be the yogurt) originating in the Caucasus and prepared from the so-called bacteria “Bacterium caucasicum” and “Streptococcus lactis”. It is thick but fails to be consistent and it tastes a little bitter, because it contains lactic acid. Just this element is most responsible for its beneficial properties.Let’s start by highlighting that lactic acid found in kefir is essential to ensure that the correct metabolism of the cells can give rise. But this is not all: the same occurring with yogurt, kefir helps predigerir the milk. This causes such beneficial consequences to our body such as maintenance of intestinal, flora the prevention of osteoporosis and increased resistance to diseases in general, since his behavior and comparable s to a natural antibiotic. precisely this power antibiotic makes that kefir can be applied both externally (as it helps to heal wounds) as an intern, benefiting the Agency problems of nervous type liver, digestive system, bronchial catarrh and eczema, among others with their intake. And its benefits for our organism are still more numerous. To name a few, we cannot fail to mention that reduces symptoms of intolerance to lactose and cholesterol and removes waste from our bodies. As you can see, the kefir is a great help for the control of our health. Health things you stay to dinner

Tags: kefir, kefir properties, advantages kefir