who check their guidelines and recommends increasing the consumption of essential fats present in margarine.

-The international recommendation is: prioritize better fat intake

-the Institute Flora supports this new report by who and insists on the importance of knowing the recommendations of the Government agencies to choose correctly

Barcelona, April 2010.-
the World Health Organization, the international health policy officerIt has updated the recommendations for fat intake. In his new publication, who concludes that there is enough evidence that the substitution of polyunsaturated fat-saturated fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the evidence points towards a possible relationship between the consumption of polyunsaturated fats and a reduction in metabolic syndrome and diabetes. ”

well, who’s new recommendations are:

total fat 20-35%
polyunsaturated 6-11%
• Omega 6: 2, 5-9%
• Omega 3: 0.5 – 2%
monounsaturated 15-20%
< 10% saturated
Trans < 1%

the World Health Organization and stresses the importance include fat cardiosaludables in daily food to energyas well as the replacement of saturated fat found in fatty meats, dairy products with integers and derivatives as butter by unsaturated, those of olive oil or margarine. In the light of new data, the leading experts on fats in our country, and members of the Institute Flora, have shown interest for the new data from who.

Nutritionists Institute Flora as María Perversi, have sought to highlight the importance of reports like this that support to food that have demonstrated health benefits such as olive oil or margarine. ”

to Dr. Pedro Mata, of the Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz of Madrid, a proper selection of fats in the diet is very important to get regular cholesterol. It is essential that food includes a higher proportion of unsaturated fats and a lower proportion of saturated fat, trying to also delete definitively, trans fats present in foods such as industrial pastry or microwave popcorn, between others. ”

the teacher Rosa Ortega, of the Dept. of nutrition of the Faculty of pharmacy of the University Complutense of Madrid, remember that one of the most common mistakes in food is to eliminate fats drastically to reduce the calories in the diet. With its new guidelines, who insists that I include fats, in due proportion, highlighting the importance of ensuring that they are of quality ”

Dr. Francisco Pérez Jiménez, Hospital Universitario Queen Sofia of Cordoba, has also recalled that can not eliminate our food of some types of fat as the monounsaturated or essential fats (omega 3 and 6)which are necessary for neurodevelopmental and cardiovascular health and prevention of degenerative diseases(olive oil and margarine) saturated (animal) fats and trans fats.