(www.neomundo.com.ar) do diets and strive to lose weight sometimes generates the opposite to the desired effect, which can generate several kilos more and affect the State of health. That is why specialists recommend a tip: focus on health – and not so much in the thinness – to make good choices of food.

“It would be better to invest in campaigns that help people to develop a healthy relationship with food, promoting respect for all bodies, whether they are fat or thin”, summed up Lucy Aphramor, Member of the national service for health United States.

All this, within the framework of efforts aimed at reducing obesity rates because we currently have, according to the World Health Organization, there are 1 billion adults overweight and 300 million suffering from obesity. These diseases are not only a matter of aesthetics that raise the risk of developing multiple health problems, and even premature death.

The health first

the researchers worked with the information provided by more than 200 research focused on the topic. “It is a mistake to put public policies focus on body weight.” “On the contrary, health professionals should emphasize an improvement in the health of all people,” said Linda Bacon, another of the authors.

The specialist ensures that remove the stigma which revolves around the body weight and food aid to people learn to value themselves and that motivates them to take care of. “It’s amazing the difference that this change in emphasis in the life of the people”, he added.

Research analyzed by the authors shows that focus on health achieved by people to improve your blood pressure, lipid in blood, self-esteem, body image and other indicators of health and welfare.

On the other hand, “not true that each case of failed diet is just an experience that didn’t work.” Fluctuations in the peso bring health risks reals, and diets generate guilt, anxiety, concern for the health and the body appearance. “In turn, decreased self-esteem, disorders of nutrition and discrimination generated by the weight,” said Aphramor.

More information on Science and health in www.neomundo.com.ar