15% of cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women aged less than 40

international against breast cancer day

– This is women aged between 20 and 40 years, many of whom have family cancer risk. Disease in girls from 18 to 20 years has been detected in isolated cases, including.

-young women, breast cancer, also implies a possible loss of fertility, fighting from Dexeus women health with techniques of preservation which allow women become mothers despite cancer.

Barcelona, October 2011.- Breast cancer is the most common tumor among women around the world but has undergone a major change in the last decade thanks to scientific, technological and medical advances that have allowed increased not only the rate of survival to disease but also the quality of life of patients. Health of the Dexeus women, Department of obstetrics, Gynecology and reproduction of USP Instituto Universitario Dexeus, as the center of international reference in the treatment of gynecological and breast pathologies, is carrying out a campaign of dissemination and social awareness on the occasion of the international day against breast cancerthat commemorates today 19 October 2011.

Regular gynecological revisions and mammography scheduled biennially from the age of 40 have helped the breast tumor detection before entering the more aggressive phase of the disease, but does not affect breast cancer only to women in its mature stage.

While the common from the age of 40 breast cancer, there are 15% of these cases detected in young women. It is women aged between 20 and 40 years, many of whom have family cancer risk. In rare cases, the disease in girls from 18 to 20 years has been identified including. The cancer risk of Dexeus women health unit recommends regular gynecological revisions and the assessment of possible genetic risk factors with the aim of attacking the disease in time. 20% Of cancers are detected in phase pre cancerous Gynecologic patients revision habits and new diagnostic techniques available to the Centre.

Breast conservation

Since he led the first conservative treatment of the breast, in 1982, the Dexeus women health objective has been to improve the quality of life of patients, and this means reducing the period of diagnosis and treatment, offer an integral accompaniment before, during and after treatment, and preserve the breast to the extent possible. The aesthetic and psychological component of breast loss greatly influences the acceptance of the process and even the evolution of the disease. Health of the woman Dexeus has managed to raise the rate of breast conservation up to 80%, according to the data extracted from the Committee of Gynecology Oncology and Mammalogy of the Instituto Universitario Dexeus (2010). This high rate of preservation is due to the early detection of cancer.

They are also much involved in this success implementation of pre surgical treatments which reduce the tumor. Before the operation, apply chemotherapy patients to reduce the size of the tumor, allowing less intervention into the breast. In addition, the speed in the diagnosis and treatment is vital for conservation: Dexeus women health gives time to visit patients at a maximum of 48 hours; in two hours, it offers a first diagnosis, in 2 days is confirmed, and a week starts the treatment. This is possible thanks to the interdisciplinary Committee of health of the woman Dexeus, which allows the patient in the center professionals that accompany you throughout the process: review, diagnosis, treatment and support.

Health of the woman Dexeus firmly believes that social awareness is a very important tool as diagnostic techniques to detect and treat breast cancer.

Dexeus women health

Women’s health is a center of international reference in the field of obstetrics, Gynecology and reproductive medicine. For more than 40 years its objective is to care for the health of women in all stages of its life and respond in a comprehensive manner.

For this reason, its facilities, integrated into the complex of USP Instituto Universitario Dexeus in Barcelona, have been designed to provide a more personalized attention, fast and easy, thanks to an integrated circuit in which diagnoses, treatments, consultations and interventions are centralized. Health of the woman Dexeus, directed by Dr. Pedro N. Barri, has become one of the most important centres of Europe dedicated exclusively to the health of women.

For more information about the world day of breast cancer-related activities, see Salut of dona la Dexeus.